6G KOM is the first R&D project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to develop D-band frontend modules and new baseband architectures as well as to investigate novel localization concepts for 6G.
The main goals of 6GKOM are as follows:
- Research and development of efficient, ultra-broadband and miniaturized MIMO D-band frontend modules with integrated beamforming for 6G
- Research of new baseband architectures taking into account parasitic effects in D-band front modules
- Investigation of novel concepts for precise localization
- Development of novel procedures and test environments to test and analyze D-band modules regarding their suitability for mobile communication
Future networks will be a fundamental component for virtually all parts of life, society, and industries, fulfilling the communication needs of humans as well as intelligent machines. The increasing expectations set a clear target for us in the industry and research community — 6G should contribute to an efficient, human-friendly, sustainable society through ever-present intelligent communication.  As wireless connectivity becomes an integrated, fundamental part of society, trust in the data delivered through connectivity as well as in the connectivity itself will become even more important. For 6G the entire spectrum range from low frequencies to very high frequencies are relevant, and this also includes an extension to even higher frequencies than today, i.e. above 100 GHz (sometimes referred to as sub-THz). Such spectrum would be relevant for specific scenarios where extremely high achievable data rates are needed. The feasible terahertz (THz) antennas are effectively designed and built within a new type of scalable system architectures. Ericsson, as a manufacturer of Advanced Antenna Systems (AAS), has been working on these technologies at an early stage for later integration into our 6G products. We therefore accompany this very innovative project with extremely high interest and contribute our experience as well as our possible requirements for industrial products. We wish the project every success.

March 2021 – 3rd Industry Advisory Board Meeting
Regardless of possible difficulties caused by the current corona crisis, the 6GKom project is progressing. At the third IAB meeting, not only simulated results but also measurement results of the first hardware components of the project were presented. These results...
June 2020 – 2nd Industry Advisory Board Meeting
nIn the second Industry advisory board meeting all consortium partners presented their current project results to the industry board. Besides the results, all partners are especially proud of the positive feedback from the industry. This shows that the project is on...